How to Treat a Back Injury Effectively

If you want to be able to treat your back pain effectively then there are numerous things you can do. Whether you have thrown your back out as the result of an injury, or whether you have sprained it at work, it’s safe to say that there are several things you can do to try and help yourself. If you want to find out more then take a look below.

Treating your Sprain

The main thing you need to do when trying to treat a sprain at home is rest. The great thing about resting is that it gives your body a chance to heal, and it also enhances the general effectiveness of other remedies. Depending on how severe your symptoms are, you may need to rest for several days before you integrate activities back into your routine. Lie on your stomach with your hands down by your side. When you have done this, you then need to relax your body, so your back muscles soften. You will then feel a release of pressure around your nerves. Make sure that you apply covered ice packs to the area so you can limit swelling as well as radiating pain. If you are struggling with pain, make an online search for “chiropractor Downers Grove IL” or “chiropractor Buffalo NY” or similar search term relating to where you are located, to find the specialist support you are looking for.

Additional Treatments

Over-the-counter medication, such as ibuprofen is great for reducing swelling and it also gives you a good amount of pain relief too. Sleeping on your back where possible reduces the risk of you making the sprain worse too. If you aren’t sure if this is going to work, then one thing you can do is look into getting a massage. This may ease your acute lower back pain, which is great, but it will also stimulate blood flow as well as helping with stiffness. Even though initial rest is so important in regards to the healing process, you also need to make sure that you stay active.

When Should You See a Doctor?

A thrown-out back is often the result of a temporary muscle sprain. That being said, more serious conditions can result in a similar level of pain. Serious injuries can include a herniated disc or even a muscular tear. If you have a condition such as this, then you may need to undergo medical intervention so you can make a full recovery. A thrown-out back can also indicate that you have other medical issues, which can range from kidney stones to osteoporosis and even cancer. If you experience these symptoms, such as bladder control problems, fever, intense or enduring pain and persistent pain then you should go and see a professional about your symptoms. They will then take X-rays as well as carrying out a CT scan. This will help you to assess the extent of the injury so that you can get the right treatment for your back pain.