Symptoms of Declining Oral Health to Be Aware Of

When it comes to oral health, most people tend to take their general state of affairs for granted. After all, we’re born with teeth, which generally seem to stay that way. Whether or not you see your dentist regularly, keep up with your daily routine, and practice good oral hygiene habits regularly, you probably don’t have too much to worry about as far as your teeth are concerned.

If you take good care of your teeth and gums, chances are very good that you will keep them for a very long time. However, some warning signs can indicate declining oral health. If these symptoms appear in one or more of your teeth or gums, you must see an experienced dentist sooner rather than later. These professionals have many techniques available to help reverse any decline in oral health before the situation becomes irreversible.

You or Someone Near You Notices Bad Breath Even After Brushing

According to Altamonte Dental Care, a dentist in Altamonte Springs, “bad breath is a very common symptom of declining oral health. It tends to be associated with gum disease and cavities, but it can also be the sign of an infection of the root of the tooth or an abscessed tooth.” If you notice that you have particularly bad gum disease or cavities and you have been taking good care of your teeth, you may want to consider seeing a dentist. They can check for other issues that may be causing your breath to smell.

If you or anyone close to you has noticed that your breath always smells bad all the time instead of just after eating or drinking or after you brush your teeth, they may have a problem in their mouth that needs to be addressed right away. If you notice that their breath smells like rotting food, this may be because the bacteria in their mouth are breaking down undigested food in the saliva in their mouth. This can create a really foul smell that can be quite noticeable.

You Have a Bad Taste in Your Mouth

Having a bad taste in your mouth is another common oral health symptom. The bad taste can come and go or be a constant part of your daily life. The cause of bad taste can be many different things. It may be a sign of a cavity forming in one of your teeth, gum disease, or even a sign that you have a decaying tooth that will have to be extracted soon. The only way to know for sure what is causing the bad taste in your mouth is to go see a dentist.

You Have Pain When Eating or Speaking

Depending on the particular tooth involved, you may notice pain when eating especially hard or crunchy food or when speaking. If you notice pain in these situations and you have not had any major trauma to your mouth, one or more of your teeth may be causing the problem. You may have a cavity that has become infected and is causing you pain. Another possible cause could be an abscessed tooth. The best way to know what is going on is to talk to a dentist. You may also notice pain when you open and close your mouth or while you are chewing. When you open your mouth wide or when you are clenching your teeth, you may notice a sharp pain in a particular tooth. If you notice pain when you are opening your mouth, it could be a sign of a broken jaw or temporomandibular joint disorder, both of which can be caused by an infected tooth. The only way to know for sure is to see a dentist.

Your Gums Are Bleeding Constantly

Gingivitis, commonly called gum disease, is a common oral health issue that can often be reversed with the right treatments. Bleeding gums are a symbol that you have an infection in your gums and that they are receding. You will probably notice that your gums are red, swollen, and bleed easily. They may also have a bad taste or smell. If your gums are constantly bleeding, especially if you don’t have any other symptoms, it may be a nice idea to see a dentist. It could be a sign that you have more serious health issues going on in your mouth. Gum disease can often be treated with antibiotics. If your gum disease is more severe or has been going on for a long time, it may require a more invasive procedure to treat it.

Your Teeth Are Loose or Falling Out

Loose teeth can be a sign of an abscessed tooth, periodontal disease, or broken teeth. An abscessed tooth will sometimes be painful, but it can also cause teeth to feel loose. Periodontal disease is a bacteria-driven infection that can cause your teeth to loosen and fall out as well. If you notice one or several teeth in your mouth feeling loose, it may be a mark that you need treatment as soon as possible. As you can see, there are many signs that can indicate declining oral health. Luckily, most of these problems can be cured with good oral hygiene practices, regular dental checkups, and the help of a dentist. By keeping an eye out for the symptoms listed above, you can catch an issue before it becomes too serious.

The Sooner You See a Dentist to Remedy These Symptoms, The Better

When it comes to oral health, it’s important to remember that prevention is always better than cure. Taking good care of your teeth and gums can keep them healthy for a very long time, and it can even allow you to keep the same teeth for the rest of your life. If you want to stop issues like gum disease, cavities, and tooth decay, you need to brush twice a day and floss once a day. You also need to be careful about how you eat and how you maintain your oral health habits outside of brushing and flossing. In order to preserve your oral health, you need to be aware of the signs of declining oral h