Stomach Pain: When Should You Worry?

Although bothersome, point stomach pain is usually mild. On the other hand, frequent stomach aches can sometimes reveal a more or less severe pathology—all the information in this article.

Stomach Ache: Is It The Stomach?

“stomach pain” is meant pain located in the center and top of the abdomen (near the solar plexus area). It is indeed in this region of the core that the stomach is located, but not only! Part of the large intestine (transverse colon) thus passes in front of the stomach. Deeper in this area, the pancreas is also located. Therefore, the pain felt may be linked to the stomach and a problem with the colon or pancreas, or even, more rarely, with the gall bladder. The latter is located to the right, under the ribs, but the pain can radiate to the stomach area, confusing.

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What Are The Different Causes Of Stomach Pain?

Everyone suffers one day or another from temporary stomach aches: all it takes is a too heavy meal to digest or a period of stress to trigger them. Nothing to be alarmed about! When it comes to constant and frequent stomach pain, there are so many possible causes that it is impossible to name them all.

Most often, ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux, or gastritis (inflammation of the lining of the stomach) in the gut. Distressing disorders, but relatively mild as long as they are treated in time. When the pain comes from another organ, colitis (inflammation of the colon), pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), or appendicitis are often seen, and stones in the gallbladder.

However, these are only common causes: many other pathologies, rarer, can cause this pain, such as the presence of digestive parasites, intestinal obstruction, stomach cancer, or a hiatus hernia.

Stomach Pain: When To Consult?

Consult immediately if the pain is intolerable. Also, check if your [stomach pain] frequently recurs: the cause is not necessarily severe. But it is better to treat it for definitive relief and to prevent possible complications in the future. Specific symptoms should also prompt you to seek urgent medical attention: constipation and absence of gas emission for 24 hours (risk of intestinal obstruction) or vomiting of blood (a sign of bleeding, possibly due to the perforation of the ‘an ulcer)

Stomach Pain: How Is The Diagnosis Made?

The doctor examines you, considers the characteristics of your pain (its intensity, throbbing ache or not, manifesting only after meals, etc.), and correlates them with any accompanying symptoms (e.g., loss of appetite ). Suppose this is not enough to make the diagnosis. In that case, many different examinations can be carried out, particularly an upper digestive endoscopy (a thin tube provided with optical fibers is introduced through the mouth to examine the inside of the stomach directly), workup blood, a CT scan, or an ultrasound.

Stomach Pain: What Are The Possible Treatments?

In most cases, a simple treatment with antispasmodics is sufficient. Antacids and gastric dressings are also often used. Other medications such as antibiotics or antiparasitics may also be prescribed depending on the upset stomach’s origin. Surgical treatments are only considered in more severe cases (e.g., intestinal obstruction).

Stomach Pain: How To Soothe Ailments With Natural Remedies

To relieve mild stomach pain, you can try consuming cabbage juice in the form of ampoules, available in pharmacies or organic stores. You can also drink ginger tea: infuse a small piece of fresh ginger in a cup filled with boiling water. Licorice and mallow infusions are useful, as are herbal teas made with basil and dill.

Can We Prevent Stomach Pain?

Only to a certain extent, because it is impossible to prevent all the causes of [stomach pain]. However, you can reduce your chances of suffering from it by avoiding smoking and limiting your alcohol consumption, soda, and very spicy or acidic foods. Also, avoid making meals that are too large. Practicing regular physical activity can also have a protective effect: on the one hand. It helps you keep your figure, on the other hand. Because it allows you to release your stress (being overweight and anxiety are two factors). Risk of stomach pain).

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