5 Tips To Relieve A Headache

Should I Be Concerned About A Headache?

Relieve A Headache

We hear about it in daily conversations, sometimes as an excuse to abstain (“I can’t, my head hurts”), to express disarray (“this problem gives me a headache “). No wonder, considering it’s at the top of the list of common health problems. Indeed, most individuals will suffer from it several times during their life.

Also known by the medical term “headache,” a headache is not a disease but a symptom. Sometimes occurring for no apparent reason, its presence can be explained by individual factors related to lifestyle or a medical problem.

Here are some examples of the factors that can cause a nasty headache:

  • lack of sleep;
  • too much alcohol or certain foods;
  • bad posture;
  • muscle tension in the neck;
  • hormonal fluctuations;
  • a respiratory infection (cold, flu, sinusitis, etc.);
  • eye fatigue (after spending too much time in front of a screen, for example).

It is normal to experience headaches occasionally. However, if these persist or occur frequently, it is advisable to find the origin. Once the cause is determined, measures or a treatment plan can be initiated to remedy the situation. Medical consultation may be necessary.

How To Relieve A Headache?

How To Relieve A Headache?

Here are some tips to help relieve an occasional mild to moderate headache in intensity and free of alarming factors (see When to see a doctor? Below).

  • When the headache starts, try to rest. Rest can reduce the duration and intensity.
  • Avoid factors that can make your headache worse. Alcohol consumption, intense physical activity, and exposure to bright light, loud noises, or extreme heat are all factors that will make your headache worse or more difficult to bear.
  • Consider taking an over-the-counter pain reliever. Before purchasing an over-the-counter pain reliever, always consult your pharmacist. It will help you choose the best for you or confirm that the medication you have on hand is safe for you, considering your age, condition, and the medicines you are taking.
  • Change your mind. Do something relaxing and enjoyable while waiting for the headache to pass or for the pain reliever you have taken to work.
  • Try an alternative technique known to relieve pain. Various methods can help reduce your headaches, such as deep breathing, massage (to the head, neck, or shoulders), and some forms of meditation or visualization. Many people will tell you that these methods, completely free and available at all times, are worth their weight in gold!

When To Consult A Doctor?

In some cases, a headache may be a sign of a more severe problem. You should see a doctor quickly if the headache:

  • is violent in intensity or has happened suddenly, within seconds or minutes;
  • is accompanied by other unusual or alarming signs or symptoms (vomiting, weakness, visual problems, paralysis of part of the face or body, seizures, confusion, changes in behavior, fainting, etc.);
  • occurs as a result of intense physical activity, a fall, or a blow to the head.
  • is accompanied by fever or stiff neck;

Consult your pharmacist for more information on headaches and how to relieve them.

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