Family Wellness: Tips To Preserve The Mental Health Of Our Sons And Daughters

After several weeks of confinement in our homes, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more difficult for families to face this situation every day. The well-being and mental health of its members is significant; Therefore, from UNICEF, we offer some tips to reduce stress and anxiety caused by the coronavirus outbreak, both in adults and in children and adolescents living in our homes.

How many times have you wondered if you are adequately protecting your sons and daughters during this confinement? Probably on more than one occasion. For this reason, UNICEF has created a guide that can be very useful in these cases, with answers to all kinds of questions related to the situation generated by the coronavirus: ‘What parents and educators should know: how to protect daughters, children and students.’

Although we follow all these tips, no parent is free from stress, fear, or anxiety that causes children and adolescents not to leave the house. Neither will the rest of the people in charge of children’s care, such as older brothers and sisters, grandparents and grandmothers, or personal caregivers, among others. Pictures of stress or anxiety take different forms, which can lead to physical and mental exhaustion.

Suppose we manage to eliminate or, at least, reduce these factors. In that case, we will achieve significant advantages. Think clearly, and make the right decisions, face any situation more quickly,y or have more patience with the problem. Our children who show their frustration or sadness will help you better understand their feelings behaviors. We must not forget that the entire these improvements will help to keep our body strong and healthy.

We must know that, up to the age of 12, our sons and daughters’ well-being is directly related to ours. They reflect their actions and stress responses in the same way that their mothers, fathers, and caregivers do.

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Tips For The Emotional Well-Being Of Adults

Keep the mind healthy in adulthood during confinement, from UNICEF; we provide several resources and advice that may be useful to face these types of situations that arise from the coronavirus pandemic:

  • Get enough rest, try to continue your regular sleep routine, and don’t spend more time in bed than usual.
  • Take time for yourself daily, even if it’s only five minutes.
  • Talk to friends, the neighborhood. You can make a video call, send them a message, or call them on the phone.
  • It is not advisable to be continuously aware of the news, do it only at scheduled and specific times of the day.
  • Try to distinguish the facts from rumors and hoaxes. You can check how much you know about the virus in the UNICEF quiz.
  • Do physical activity every day.

In addition to following these recommendations, we must accept that we are human beings and feelings of anxiety, fear, or anger are normal. Once recognized and accepted, let’s try to think pleasant things, speak calmly, and breathe normally.

Guidelines To Help Children Feel Good

We advise maintaining routines such as meal times, bath times, playtimes, and bedtime. Support and motivate your sons and daughters to continue learning and playing, despite not attending school or going out on the streets.

You can follow the following guidelines according to the age group to which your sons and daughters belong to help them feel better:

0-3 years

  • Boys and girls are sensitive to our emotional presence and physical closeness. Try to maintain as much contact for as long as possible, even if they are babies.

3-6 years

  • Show him that you are here to take care of him.
  • At this age, they tend to explore things and like to be busy. Don’t limit this behavior.

6-11 years

  • They may have nightmares and fears about the loss of close people. Let them know that you understand their feelings and normalize them: “it’s scary to think that your grandmother is in danger,” for example.
  • Ask them what they are thinking and / or what they are afraid of.
  • It makes it easier for them to talk and express their fears. You can use phrases like “some children fear that …”.
  • Talk to them about the facts. Don’t overdo it, but act honestly, without making false promises.
  • Inform them that the reason we should stay at home is for prevention, not because it is dangerous to go out, and that this situation will not last forever.
  • Remind them that you are here to take care of them.
  • Avoid talking about the number of seriously ill or deceased people.

12 years or more

  • If they ask us for alarmist messages that generate panic, we must remain calm and understand reality.
  • They are emotionally dependent on their friends. Therefore, we must bear in mind the harrowing moment they are going through, but without allowing exceptions in the restrictions.
  • At this age, they need facts. They are compassionate and know when the truth is being kept from them; If this happens, we will lose your trust.

Also read: To Better Manage Stress And Anxiety During The Pandemic