How The Right Style Of Custom Pens Can Rev Up Your Business

Just as a genuine product must deliver its promises, a custom pen has a similar function. The personalized pen is not only used for writing but allows businesses to communicate to customers. Therefore, a custom pen must convey the brand message and write effectively.

When ordering a custom pen, you might have several questions in mind. Do you need a metal or plastic pen, a retractable or twisted option? Should the pen stay generic or include your brand name? What should be the color of the pen?  You may have numerous options to choose when ordering a custom pen but it is a daunting task. Knowing what to explore before buying a pen gives you a better option.

  • What does your business offer and how would you want the custom pen to represent your business? What is the motto of your company? Does it deal with something serious or casual?
  • The pen must flaunt a contemporary look and have a unique shape.
  • Do you want the pen more conventional or practical?
  • The custom pen you order must include the company logo. The imprint capacity of every pen differs, so you need to know what shape of the pen can carry your company logo. You can order the pen depending on whether your pen has a vertical or horizontal shape.
  • You can also select from one or four colors when ordering the pen.
  • Even if you want to offer the best custom pens to your customers, your marketing budget might not permit. Therefore, you need to compare between different qualities of pens.
  • Try to get a reasonably good quality of pen within your budget.

Shape of the pen

When ordering custom pens, you must avoid getting anything that satisfied your personal taste. ; Instead you must focus on the value of the brand and select a shape that aligns with it.

Color contrasts

The color contrast of the pen must also relate to your brand. If you order for pens with the color of your logo, you can expect people to identify it easily. If you order a light-colored pen, it must have dark-colored text and vice versa.

Significance of the logo

The color of the pen can impact the perception of the customer deeply. Whether it includes the color of your logo or not the combination must attract the attention of users. Keeping in mind that your competitors may also offer personalized pens, you need to work on different color combinations to make the choice significant.

Choosing the refill

Choosing a good refill determines the success of the personalized pen you choose.  Avoid choosing cheap refills as it can impact your brand negatively.

Quantity of pens

If you are not aware of how many pens to order, you might find it challenging but a good option is to order smaller number of pens at first. Remember the more you order, the lesser is the price. You must explore all the aspects of promotional pens to avoid bad deals and experiences. Finally, check the cost and stock of the pen before choosing the right option.