8 Must Follow Luxury RV Family Safety Tips

Are you planning a big family vacation? Traveling in an RV is quite different from a car or plane.

Here are eight must-follow luxury RV family safety tips for your big trip!

1. Adjust Your Mirrors

Before you go on your big family trip, make sure you adjust your mirrors. Putting your mirrors in the right spot will help you eliminate blind spots, back up easier, and drive more safely as a whole. Trailers will stunt your visibility, so make sure you can see as much as possible.

2. Make Sure Everyone Is Buckled

Everyone knows that kids often like to unbuckle themselves throughout long trips. Always keep an eye on them and make sure that they stay buckled.

3. Prepare For the Worst

You never know what might happen to you on the road. Tires can go flat, breaks can wear out, and accidents can happen. For this reason, it is very important to take the necessary precautions. Preparing for the worst should include these steps:

Fire Extinguisher

Always keep a fire extinguisher on hand. Hopefully, you will never have to use it but to be ready for anything, make sure it is ABC-rated and ready to go.

Spare Tires

Blowing a tire is a quick way to ruin a trip unless you have a good spare. Keeping a spare on hand can help your mishap become just a short pit stop and a good story for when you get back. Just be sure to have the appropriate tools for it so you can actually change the tire. It is also good to keep a tire patching kit on hand.

Keep Pets Close By

Throughout an emergency situation, pets can become anxious and stressed, ultimately causing them to behave out of character. Make sure you keep them close by so that they don’t run away and make the situation even worse.

Create an Emergency Plan

It is often not enough to just have the emergency equipment. You should create an emergency plan and teach it to your entire family so that everyone is ready to step up if the time comes.

Alert the Appropriate People

To start your emergency plan, you must alert the proper people as quickly as possible. For example, if you and your family get into an accident. Immediately get everyone to safety and alert the authorities, making sure any medical needs are taken care of. Once that is done, move on to insurance and warranty companies.

4. Know Your Dimensions

Know the size of your travel trailer. The last thing you want is to drive through a low ceiling tunnel and hear a scraping sound coming from behind you.

5. Stay Alert

Driving long distances is not something you do every day. It is a skillset in and of itself. So, be sure to set yourself up for success by implementing ways to keep you alert and focused on the road. The safety of you and your family is the top priority when you are behind the wheel.

6. Reduce Distractions

Speaking of focus, family trips can often become very distracting. Whether it is the kids fighting in the back or you and your partner trying to figure out the next turn, it can get hectic quickly. So, be sure to take control of those situations and do whatever is necessary to assure your safety. Remember, pulling over is always an option.

7. Take Note of the Weather

Before you go, always check the weather. Traveling across several states in one day will undoubtedly have you come across unwanted weather. Make sure your windshield wipers are in great shape and do not be afraid to turn on your flashers and wait out the storm on the side of the road if you need to.

8. Adjust Your Driving

Driving a luxury RV is not the same as driving your car to work every day. So, don’t treat it like it is. It is difficult, requires more focus, and comes with a few differences that you should be aware of.

Keep Right

As a bigger vehicle, you should keep to the right unless passing another car or letting other cars enter the highway from the onramp. Riding the left lane for long distances can be dangerous and rude to others on the road.

Create Longer Distances

Create a larger amount of space between you and the car in front of you than you naturally would. It takes a lot longer to stop a trailer, so make sure you can stop in time by keeping the appropriate distance. About five seconds is a great place to start.

Stay More Alert

Stay more alert than you would in your car. Because trailers are so heavy, there is much less room for error. So be aware of any potentially dangerous situations at all times, and don’t be afraid to hover over those breaks.

Enjoy Your Trip

Taking trips with your family is an important bonding experience that you will all remember for the rest of your lives. So, follow these safety tips and enjoy the open road with your family.