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What Is a Prophetic Word – Understanding the Power of Prophecy



Discover what a prophetic word is, how it works and how to receive one for yourself with this comprehensive guide. Gain valuable insight into this spiritual gift today!

Have you ever wondered what a prophetic word is and how to receive one? As a spiritual gift, prophecy enables people to perceive secrets about the future and words of knowledge from God. In this guide, learn more about the power of prophetic words and how they can bring clarity, guidance and direction into your life.

What Is A Prophetic Word

What Is A Prophetic Word

A prophetic word is a form of communication from God or another spiritual source. It’s typically a message that offers clarity and direction—whether it’s about the future, your walk with the Lord, or something else entirely. Prophetic words can be spoken directly to you by someone who has “the gift of prophecy,” which is one of the gifts from the Holy Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12:10-11.

God created the world by speaking a word. He is the Word. One translation says that his life force is in the Word. A word that God speaks to an individual is the most powerful thing that can happen to a human being. Have you received a word from God? The immediate question might be: where is this Word, and is it still relevant? Who is keeping an eye on this Word? The words spoken by God can never come back empty. In this teaching, you will receive incredible clarity about where your promise lies, what happened to the Word God gave you, and what a possible process looks like once He releases a Word.

What To Do When You Receive A Prophetic Word

What To Do When You Receive A Prophetic Word

Receiving a prophetic word involves making yourself available to God and being open to His voice. Spend prayer asking God for clarity and direction, be still before Him and wait on His guidance. It’s important to remember that a prophetic word may not come in the format you expect or desire—it might not deliver encouraging or comforting messages every time. So be prepared for it to challenge your thinking and offer constructive advice.

Prophetic Word For Today

Prophetic Word For Today

Do you want to receive a prophetic word for today? Tap into the divine power by learning to listen and recognize a prophetic message. With these tips, you can start your journey towards receiving meaningful insights and words of guidance.

Before you can receive a prophetic word for today, take time to pray and listen to the voice of God. Quiet your mind by focusing on His presence and ask Him to guide you in finding answers. Listen carefully to any thoughts, feelings, or words that come to your mind. Remain open-minded and be still so God’s Word can flow naturally into your spirit.

Prophetic Word For 2023

Prophetic Word For 2023

Do you know what God has in mind in 2023? It is time for Reformation. All are prayed for Reformation. What is Reformation? Reformation is:

  1. To avert judgment
  2. To attract His presence
  3. To release His power on earth.

Finally, the prophetic Word for 2023 is “Reformation.” As we move into 2023, we must see the full spectrum of what the Holy Spirit is doing locally and internationally. This year’s theme, Abundance of Blessings and Confusion, may seem contradictory! How can we have both abundant blessings and confusion? The explanation is that amidst the turmoil, we will see benefits.

As the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, we have made it our mission to issue prophetic words, warnings and exhortations, and calls to prayer. Prophetic intercession is essential in our meetings as we listen and intercede with the Lord.

A navigation system in your car or phone is a handy tool; Life without GPS is hard to imagine! Whether you’re heading to a meeting in an unfamiliar city or trying a new restaurant, once you’ve entered the place you want to go, your GPS will guide you and direct you to your destination. Just drive and listen by following the instructions.

Just like a GPS guides us, prophecies from seasoned prophets like Kenneth Copeland guide us into what’s to come, especially as a new year begins. As things have become increasingly chaotic of late, it can be easy to react the way the world is and live in fear, terror, or fear. But listening to God and what he says through his prophets helps us put our trust in God, live by faith, and have peace. Prophetic words give us instructions to help keep us on the right and protected path and lead us to a beautiful and prosperous New Year.

The Prophetic Word Penetrates Darkness

The prophetic word penetrates the darkness and brings light to areas of our lives that are otherwise hidden or challenging to see. When used properly, it can be a powerful source of encouragement, strength, and healing. By allowing us to look beyond our current circumstances, the prophetic word gives us guidance and wisdom beyond our human understanding. This access can provide profound insights into our lives and how we must move forward.

The Testimony Of Jesus – The Spirit Of The Word Of Prophecy

When the prophetic word is heard, the testimony of Jesus is activated. The Spirit of the word of prophecy penetrates our darkness and brings light to every part of our lives. As we surrender our hearts to receive its revelation, transformation takes place. His voice pierces through our doubts and fears, pointing us toward a brighter future and revealing glimpses of what could be. It brings hope in difficulty and comfort in times of despair. It births dreams that had been forgotten and hope that had begun to fade.

The Prophets’ Example In Firmness And Steadfastness

The prophets of old didn’t waver in their message, even when faced with adversity. They stood firm and spoke with authority despite the darkness around them. As modern-day believers, we can learn from their example by standing firm in our faith in the prophetic word and speaking it out faithfully, no matter what. In doing so, we declare that God is still a good and faithful God who will bring deliverance and breakthrough to those who stand in faith!

Spiritual Power

Prophecy is a powerful and lasting way to communicate God’s will and desires. Through it, spiritual power is imparted that has the potential to penetrate the darkness and bring transformation. The prophetic word often brings clarity in times of confusion and shines a light on previously unseen truths. Whether it be a promise or correction, those who are open to receiving the word can experience renewed hope and expectation of God at work. T


A memorable conclusion to your prophetic Word requires thoughtfulness and attention to detail. With the step-by-step guide in this article, you can write a powerful ending that will leave your readers with an unforgettable impression of your message.

Our conclusion should provide readers with a powerful ending that relates the prophetic Word to their current or future lives. Emphasize how this prophetic Word applies to them in their present situation and assure them of your support as they journey through life. Consider closing the message with an inspirational quote or thought that resonates with your readers and encourages them to reflect on how the prophecy can impact their lives.

7 Tips To Keep Your Clothes Longer

Your tights are fraying, your jeans are fading, and your little black tops are fading. Discover our seven tips to help you make your clothes last longer without deteriorating.

Rather than buying back your favorite pants every two months (and crying on your wallet, by the way), here are seven tips for maintaining the color and shape of your favorite clothes.

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Refresh Your Clothes With A Dye Bath

If you wear many blacks, you must have noticed your clothes’ inevitable discoloration with the washings. When your blacktops start to wash out, a dye bath is the quickest and easiest way to give them a little boost.

Here’s How To Do It

Fill a pan with sufficient water to completely submerge the garment. After dissolving the dye in 470 milliliters of water, add it to your container with a tablespoon of detergent. Separately, submerge your clothes in water and make sure to soak them with enough dye. When all your clothes are in the tub, mix again, and let stand 10 minutes. Then rinse with warm water, then with cold water until the water that comes out of your garment is clear. Wash and dry.

Be careful though, it works very well on cotton, but it is, on the contrary, to be avoided on synthetic materials such as polyester.

Don’t Overdo Dry Cleaning

Not only is this expensive, but the chemicals in the process can also damage your clothes over time. There is no point in dry cleaning a part that has been worn once. The rule of thumb is to do this about every 3 to 4 times to keep the right shape components.

Do you need to remove a crease from a shirt? Hang it in your bathroom when you take a bath to enjoy the natural steam.

Zip Your Zippers

Small snags or tears usually develop in the washing machine. The guilty? Zippers that are not closed. Think about your jeans, jackets, and dresses before you put them into the machine. This will prevent them from damaging your clothes.

 Take The Time To Certain Waterproof Materials

It is crucial, especially on suede or leather clothing. It will hold up longer and have less chance of its color fading.

Fill Your Bags And Shoes

Keep the shape of your favorite accessories by filling them with newspaper when not in use. Not only will this keep their structure, but also, it will make it necessary to store its contents, all these little things that are left lying around when you change bags. Yes, yes, we know you all do it.

Separate Your Clothes Before Washing Them

Be vigilant. Wash in cold water and with as little detergent as possible. We separate the delicate materials from the less fragile, and we turn the patterned t-shirts and specific fabrics such as denim to avoid damaging them. As far as jeans are concerned, it is recommended to wash them only every 4 to 6 uses and to hang them in a closed cupboard when not wearing them.

Put Your Tights In The Fridge

No, this is not a joke. Dip a pair of pantyhose in the water, then wring out as much as possible. Please place them in a plastic bag and put them in the refrigerator overnight. Collect them and let them come to room temperature in the open air. They should be more robust and will be less likely to fray. Magical!

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 The Problems of Vitamin D Deficiency in Senior Citizens


 The Problems of Vitamin D Deficiency in Senior Citizens

Seniors need vitamin D for their health and well-being. Despite the fact that everyone needs vitamin D, a large percentage of older populations around the world are deficient in it. Numerous documented geriatric disorders can develop if vitamin D ingestion is on the lower side.

Vitamin D

Very few foods naturally contain vitamin D. Vitamin D is a nutrient that is add to some meals and live also sold as a supplement. Vitamin D production is also triggered by sunshine exposure. After being absorbed, vitamin D is first activated in the liver and subsequently in the kidneys.

To encourage the absorption of calcium in their bodies, seniors require vitamin D. Without this vital vitamin, bones may thin down, become deformed, or become brittle. When combined with calcium, vitamin D aids in preventing osteoporosis in the elderly. Inflammation is decreased and immunological function is regulated by vitamin D.

How much Vitamin D is essential?

An adequate intake of vitamin D is suggested by the National Institutes of Health. Men and women between the ages of 51 and 70 need 600 IU (15 mcg) of vitamin D daily. Over 70-year-old men and women are advised to consume 800 IU (20 mcg) of vitamin D per day.

A Vitamin D test may be able to tell seniors whether or not they are receiving the proper quantity of vitamin D. Elderly people should be informed that taking too much vitamin D can have negative effects on their health.

Health advantages of Vitamin D

The benefits of getting the daily recommended dosage of vitamin D for older persons are numerous. Elders maintain good bone health and have lower bone fracture rates. The vitamin lowers the risk of osteoporosis, some malignancies, diabetes, and cardiovascular problems in older people.

The cognitive function of seniors is significantly influenced by vitamin D intake. Lack of vitamin D may raise the probability of cognitive decline and symptoms of depression because vitamin D receptors are linked to regions of the brain that affect mood.

Issues triggered by lack of Vitamin D

Cognitive Impairment

When compared to seniors with higher amounts of vitamin D, those over 65 who have low levels are up to four times more likely to experience cognitive impairment. According to studies, low vitamin D levels have an impact on executive skills like attention focus but not memory.


Low vitamin D levels in the elderly may also make depression worse. A severe vitamin D deficit might cause depression to recur more frequently. Contrarily, women who eat diets high in vitamin D generally have a 20% lower risk of developing depression.


Osteoporosis, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular problems exist among the illnesses associated with ageing that exist exacerbate by low vitamin D intake. Studies are being conducted to determine how high amounts of vitamin D help prevent various age-related illnesses.


When the ageing body does not obtain enough vitamin D, osteoporosis develops. Falls, fractures, unsteadiness on one’s feet, and muscle weakness are all made more likely by vitamin D deficiency. Seniors who take 400 IU of Vitamin D pills every day had a 20% lower risk of hip fractures.

Immune System

As people age, their immune systems inevitably deteriorate. The immune system of the body defends against viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and malignancies. Seniors’ immunological responses have been demonstrat to be regulate by vitamin D, enabling their bodies to maintain their defensive mechanisms and eradicate infectious organisms.


Seniors who eat higher quantities of vitamin D may have a lower risk of acquiring some malignancies, such as colon, breast, and prostate. Vitamin D deficiency does not lower the likelihood that older people may acquire cancer. Ongoing research live being done on vitamin D and cancer.

How can older adults consume enough vitamin D?

Seniors can get vitamin D from supplements, sun exposure, or fortified meals. Salmon trout, sardines, eggs, fortified cereals, and soy milk are a few foods with vitamin D. The best sources of Vitamin D exist fatty fish, despite the fact that it live rarely found in natural diets.

For appropriate levels of vitamin D, 5 – 30 minutes of sun exposure twice each week is sufficient. Sun exposure should ideally take place sans sunscreen between 10 Am to 3 PM. Seniors should exercise caution and restrict their time in the sun to avoid developing skin cancer.

Seniors can get the daily need dose of vitamin D from pills as well. It is recommend to take a daily supplement with 1000 IU. Seniors who already consume a multivitamin should see how much Vitamin D is in it because it might include the 1000 IU daily requirement.

However, you can talk to the family doctor to know the ways to add sufficient vitamin D to the elderly meals. You can also hire expert caregivers to cook nutrient-rich meals for seniors in your home. This way, they will receive all the vitamins, including Vitamin D, and various other minerals and stay strong and fit each day. The caregivers will offer medication reminders so that your loved ones can take the suggested amount of supplements at the right time.

Vitamin test price in general, [Complete Vitamin Profile test] may be around Rs. 2500 – 3000 while vitamin D test may cost around Rs. 500 – 800.

Painful Joints: Tips For Treating Them Better


Painful Joints

Our joints sometimes make life difficult for us. Hence the interest in knowing the inner workings to preserve and relieve them.

Also read: What Is Knee Replacement Surgery?

Is Pain In The Joints Like Rheumatism?

Yes, but the term is extended. The pain can be joint or periarticular, that is to say, due to surrounding tissues: ligaments, tendons, muscles, or even related to bone surfaces. Pain can be divided into two categories, mechanical or inflammatory. Still, the causes are often multiple: the destruction of cartilage (osteoarthritis), viral or bacterial infection (infectious arthritis), a deposit of crystals (chondrocalcinosis, gout) …

Is It Possible To Prevent Joint Damage?

In part, because there may be a genetic predisposition to osteoarthritis, polyarthritis, spondylitis, and chondrocalcinosis. To limit the progression, it is essential to consult at the first symptoms. And never forget that it is possible to act on environmental factors, especially by suppressing tobacco, one of the factors potentially triggering polyarthritis and spondylitis. We must also fight against overweight, which multiplies by three or four the risk of osteoarthritis of the knees or fingers, or even, over the age of 50, by supplementing, on medical advice, with vitamin D.

Can Drugs Control Pain On Their Own?

Analgesics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, opiates, or cortisone injections are not enough, and some have side effects. A non-drug approach is, therefore, also essential. For example, losing 5% of your weight can relieve knee osteoarthritis (osteoarthritis of the knee). Overall, you have to avoid carrying heavy loads, agree to walk with a cane, put on foot orthotics, force yourself to move … And don’t isolate yourself! The lack of social connection intensifies the pain.

Is Physical Activity Always Beneficial?

Yes, because the joints don’t like rest. Under two conditions: practice reasonably, because high-level sport can be a source of joint trauma. Therefore, osteoarthritis, especially in contact sports, opts for soft ground and good shoes to limit microtrauma from jogging and stay at rest during inflammatory flare-ups. Even in severe osteoarthritis, you have to walk, but fragmenting your outings morning and evening.

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How to Choose The Right Cosmetic Dentist In Sydney?


Dental fear is natural for many people, and it is not uncommon for many to avoid visiting the dentist altogether. However, ignoring one’s dental health could prove costly and could endanger overall health. Research suggests that most people fear the idea of sitting on the dentist’s chair with little or no control. Additionally, all the weird stories around dental procedures make matters worse. Fortunately, choosing the right cosmetic dentist Sydney could make a difference in reducing anxiety regarding visiting the dentist. This post will discuss what you need to keep in mind while choosing the right dentist.

Ask for References

As the first step, you need to list down all the dentists in your area. An excellent place to start is to ask your physician, family and friends for recommendations. Exploring the internet and looking at the reviews will also give you a fair idea about the dentist.

Look for The Dentist’s Certification

Look for the qualification and the board certification of the dentist. It will help you determine if the dentist has the required skill to offer the treatment you are looking for. For instance, suppose you are looking for a cosmetic procedure like porcelain veneers. In that case, you may have to go to a cosmetic dentist. A cosmetic dentist needs to finish his general dentistry course and then undertake a specialisation course for cosmetic dentistry. You can get more information about other options through tendered to delivery service provider.


While considering a dentist, it is essential to consider their experience. The more dental patients they have dealt with, the wider the variety of issues they have handled. A practitioner with experience will be able to give you desired results with precision.

Online Reviews

Online reviews give you an idea about what to expect from the dentist you are considering. While finding a dentist with no negative reviews could be challenging, avoiding a dentist with too many negative reviews is better.

Consider Customer Service

The quality of service and the ambience of the clinic will tell you a lot about the quality of dental services you should expect from the dentist. If you feel unprofessional, it could be a good idea to drop them from the list.

Consider A Dentist Has Sleep Dentistry

Often an individual may face extreme fear of going to the dentist. In such cases, it is essential if the dentist provides sleep dentistry. In sleep dentistry, the dentist may opt for sedating the patient to put them at ease. This helps the dentist perform the entire procedure with precision and the least resistance from the patient while performing the procedure.


When you have chosen the dentist with care and detailed research, you can be sure of getting the best treatment. A great dentist will be able to diagnose your dental concern and will give you the appropriate treatment. In addition, a professional dentist will pay special attention to calm the patient while providing the treatment.

The Negative Effects of Social Media on Teenagers: 10 Negatives You Should Be Aware Of

Social media is a big part of many teenagers’ daily lives so much so that around 51% of teens visit a social networking site on a daily basis.

It’s how they communicate with their friends and family, and it allows them to connect with more people than they would have been able to otherwise.

But there are some negative effects that come along with this seemingly harmless way of connecting online:

It Destroys Their Self-esteem

Social media makes you feel like you are not good enough.

The way that social media is designed, users only see what other people post about themselves and their lives. This can make them think that everyone else has a better life than they do, which can make them feel inferior or inadequate.

Social media can also make it harder for teenagers who are already struggling with body image issues because of the way social media platforms often focus on beauty as an important factor in determining whether someone is successful or popular

It Can Be a Source of Procrastination and Distraction

The distractions on social media can be a source of procrastination and distraction. Students may be preoccupied with using their devices to check updates, post photos or videos, and engage in conversations with friends. It’s easy for students to get caught up in this cycle of distraction from schoolwork that isn’t helped by how readily available social media is on mobile devices.

Limits of Indirect Communication

Direct communication is important.

A face-to-face conversation is important. Even if you’re chatting online with someone, being able to see their facial expressions, emotions and other nonverbal cues can help you understand them better.

So is communicating in person or on the phone; a phone call gives you more time to think about what you want to say before speaking, while in-person conversations have the added benefit of hearing the tone of voice and body language as well as seeing it all at once.


Social media has made stalking easier because people are able to find out more information about their victims’ lives than they used to be able to when they were limited by more traditional methods of communication like phone calls or letters.

Add in the mobile location services and stalking has become easier than ever before.

Imposter Syndrome, Jealousy, Envy

Social media often has the knack of making you feel bad about yourself, even more so for teenagers that are going through incredible life changes all at once. Using filters and seeing all the good aspects of everyone else’s life can lead to feelings of imposter syndrome and excessive jealousy.

Social media can create feelings that you’re never going to be good enough through toxic positivity. There’s even a term now for physical appearance issues related to social media filters and photoshop called Snapchat dysmorphia!

It Can Lead to Anxiety and Depression

A study in 2016 found a link between social media use and increased depression and anxiety.

Depression affects about 13 percent of teens and 12 percent of young adults, according to statistics from Pew Research Center. Social media use has been linked with increased rates of depression, as well as low self-esteem and poor sleep quality among teenagers.

If you suspect that your teen is suffering from depression and/or anxiety, get them the help they need today before lasting effects settle in at https://basepointacademy.com/.

It Promotes Cyberbullying and Hate Speech

Cyberbullying is not just limited to teens. Cyberbullying affects the victims and their families, and if left unchecked can lead to depression and suicide. The internet provides a vast space for cyberbullies to target others with hurtful language, both in person and online.

Hate speech refers specifically toward racist slurs against black people; anti-Semitic comments made toward Jewish communities; anti-gay remarks made toward LGBT groups; sexism towards women’s rights movements like the #Metoo movement where women have come out about experiences of sexual assault.

It Encourages Plagiarism and Lack of Creativity

You may have heard the term “copycat culture” before. It refers to the tendency of people, especially teenagers, to imitate others and not think for themselves. Since social media is so prevalent in our society today, it has become a breeding ground for this kind of behavior.

When you spend most of your free time browsing through other people’s profiles or watching videos online instead of reading books or going outside, you’re missing out on valuable mental stimulation that can help you develop your own unique ideas and thoughts.

Sleep Deprivation

The way we use social media, and our phones have a lot to do with sleep deprivation. The blue light emitted by these devices disrupts the natural production of melatonin in our brains, which can lead to a lack of sleep and fatigue. This lack of sleep is linked to depression, anxiety, and weight gain as well as poor memory, decision-making skills, and mood stability.

People often use social media at night and have been shown to go to bed later, sleep less, and actually sleep worse than those who avoid social media before bed.

Mental Health effects have been associated with increased instances of addiction

In a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it was found that children who were bullied had higher rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide attempts as compared to those who were not bullied. With higher rates of depression and anxiety combined with the reward feelings associated with likes and shares, social media can easily become an addiction itself and a gateway to other substance use problems.


While not all aspects of social media are negative, we need to be aware about how much of an impact it can have on our children’s lives.

Hopefully, this article has given you a better understanding of some of the negatives associated with it so that you know what to look out for in your own children’s behavior.

Top 10 Tips To Prevent Drug Relapse: By Addiction Recovery Experts


Drug Relapse!

When you have already made the decision of opting for a healthier and peaceful life without any weakness towards substance abuse, relapse is one of the toughest challenges you are going to face in your journey of quitting drugs.

The journey is not at all easy; however, with the help of drug rehabilitation and detox centers, your journey will be much easier. If you are looking for a detox center, you should have a look at https://www.oceanrecovery.com/.

Top Tips To Prevent Drug Relapse

As we have mentioned earlier, relapsing is one of the toughest things you have to overcome when you have decided to quit substance abuse. Here are some effective tips, which you should try to combat the relapsing period.

Avoid Temptations

The very first and major thing you have to do is avoid or ignore temptation. It is the temptation and greed which make us do wrong things. So you have to be very careful about all those negative feelings.

In order to avoid temptations, you should stop going to places where there is a chance of relapsing, or also stop spending time with those people who are into substance abuse or Drug addiction. You also have to learn to control your feelings here.

Create A Schedule

When you are recovering or have completed the recovery process, you need to pay some extra attention to creating a proper schedule. From waking up in the morning to going to bed at night, your life should have a proper schedule.

When you engage yourself with the daily activities and schedules like having your meals at the proper time, doing some exercise, indulging in meditation, and going for a refreshing walk, you will be able to stay away from drug relapse.

Change Your Environment

Your surrounding environment plays a huge role in developing any sort of addiction and also takes part in your recovery journey. The way the circumstances have made you dive into substance abuse or drug addiction, the same way it can get you a new life.

Here you also have to be willing to change the environment and have to change it. For example, if the job pressure is your reason for addiction, you can switch to another place, where you will have job satisfaction and peace of mind.

Do Not Panic

Panic triggers any type of addiction or substance abuse. Whether it is alcohol, drugs, or smoking, when you will panic, you will end up with the old addiction without even noticing it. So, panic is one of your major enemies in your recovery journey.

In order to deal with panic, you can try meditation and other healthy activities. If required, consulting with a professional psychiatrist is also a great option to overcome the fear or panic. Always believe in yourself and stop panicking.

Eat Healthily

Your eating habit is another thing you have to pay attention to. Any type of substance abuse affects your health and eating habits. So when you are recovering from it, you also have to develop healthier eating habits.

It will not only help you to keep up with the recovery process, getting a healthy body and mind but also help you in avoiding drug relapse. You have skipped the nutrition part during your addiction time; now it is time to repay it.


As we have mentioned earlier, having a proper schedule will help you in your recovery journey. In the same way, exercise plays a huge role in dealing with drug relapse. Along with your physical health, exercise also helps you maintain a healthy mental condition.

Apart from that, exercise creates positivity within us. That positivity will help you to deal with tough situations in a wiser way. As a result of it, you will not only be able to handle situations better and stay healthy but also be able to combat relapsing.

Build A Support Network

Substance abuse recovery is not a matter of joke. Thus, having some moral support always makes the entire journey easier and a little less painful. When you are recovering, you need to make sure that you surround yourself with the right supportive people.

Here, we also have some responsibilities to offer the moral support a patient is required. We should help them get a support network, which will be with them no matter what. This support network will also help you overcome drug relapse.

Go With Meaningful Activities

The basic thing when you are changing any bad habit is to replace it with other better activities. It is also applicable here in your substance abuse recovery process. Instead of your old abuse habit, you should go with some meaningful activities.

For initial volunteering in a rehabilitation or detox center is actually an excellent idea. Here you will be able to help those people who are also struggling with drug abuse, just like the way you used to. Assisting them in their recovery will bring meaning to your life and help you get a better life without relapsing.

Avoid Complacency

Above all, you can not let the importance of your entire recovery fall to the wayside. In spite of strong rehabilitation treatment and the bunch of initial motivations, the stress of life can ruin everything and anything in just a snap.

So, here you have to avoid complacency. After a hectic and stressful week, take a break from all those stresses. Every time you choose not to work actively on recovery, you are actually adding to a buildup, which will increase your craving.

Practice Mindfulness

Just the way you are scheduling your daily activities, indulging yourself in volunteering activities will help you in your recovery journey; practicing mindfulness is another one you should go with. Opt for meditations.

You also can select anyone from a  wide range of techniques of practicing meditation—some short exercises, which will help you in focusing on physical presence, breathing exercise, or environment. Concentrate on how a few breaths feel.

Get A Healthy Life

Keep all these things in your mind when you are working on recovery from drug abuse. These tips will help you to keep your cravings at bay, and you will be able to fight against relapsing. Quit on substance abuse and get a healthier life.

What Are the Most Important Properties of the Triangle in the World of Mathematics?


In the world of geometry and mathematics triangle is considered to be a three-sided polygon that will consist of three edges and three vertices and the most important property of the triangle is the sum of interior angles will be equal to 180°. This is also known as the angle sum property of the triangle about which every kid should be very much clear about since day one.

Triangle is a polygon with three sides and two sides will be joined to each other to call the vertex of the triangle. The angle will always be formed between two sides at which is considered to be one of the most important components of the battery. Several kinds of major concepts like Pythagoras theorem, trigonometry and several other kinds of things are very easily based upon properties of triangle which is the main reason that people need to be clear about such things very efficiently since day one. The shape of the triangle is a closed two-dimensional shape and this is the three-sided polygon that is made up of the straight line very easily. There will be three angles in a triangle in the singles will always be formed by two sides of the triangle which will be meeting at a common point known as the vertex.

Following are the most important properties of the triangle:

  1. The triangle will be having three sides and three angles
  2. The sum of the angles of the triangle will always be 180°
  3. The exterior angles of the triangle will always add up to 360°
  4. The sum of consecutive interior and exterior angles will be supplementary
  5. The sum of the length of any two sides of the triangle will be greater than the length of the third side
  6. The difference between the length of any two sides of the triangle will be less than the length of the third side
  7. The shortest side will always be opposite to the smallest indeed an angle and similarly, the longest side will always be opposite to be the largest interior angle of the triangle.

Apart from the basic properties it is also very much important for the kids to be clear about different kinds of categories of the triangles and some of those basic categories are very easily explained as follows:

  1. A triangle in which all three sides will be different in terms of measurement is known as the scalene triangle
  2. A triangle in which two sides will be of equal length will be known as the Isosceles triangle and in this case, two angles will also be equal
  3. A triangle that has all three angles equal will be known as the equilateral triangle
  4. A triangle that has all angles of less than 90 degrees will be known as the acute-angled triangle
  5. The triangle which has at least one of the angles equal to 90 degrees then it will be known as the right-angled triangle.
  6. The triangle which has any angles more than 90 degrees will be known as the obtuse-angled triangle.

The formulas of triangles have been explained as follows:

  • Perimeter: The sum of all the sides is known as the perimeter of the triangle.
  • Area: Half of the product of base into height is known as the area of the triangle.

People can also go with the option of calculating the area of the triangle with Heron’s formula which is further very easy to implement. For this purpose, people need to calculate the semi perimeter so that efficient calculations can be indulged into the whole process.

Hence, depending on official platforms like Cuemath is the best way of ensuring that people will have a good command over the whole thing like triangles. The people also need to be clear about the formulas like perimeter of triangle and the area of the triangle. In this way, people can make the most accurate decisions which will allow them to deal with things professionally.

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10 Top Women’s Health Risks


Top Women’s Health Risks

In the last few decades, women have come forward and asserted themselves in more meaningful ways in society. Historically, the health concerns of women have always been relegated to the background because of patriarchal norms.

In recent years, a greater movement for gender rights, the advent of women doctors and scientists, and changing political situations (rise of democracy), have allowed women to come forward and raise concerns about their health and well-being.

This has led to more studies and researches on different aspects of a woman’s health. These studies were able to unearth the fact that just as men, women too were prone to certain specific diseases and illnesses. In fact, in some cases, there were diseases that could only affect a woman and not a man.

There are numerous useful resources online which cover the topic of women’s health and conditions which can specifically affect the female population, including this post by Miswakaan Health.
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In this article, we are going to look at the 10 top women’s health risks in our society. The contents of this article would give everyone some brief idea about the health status and condition of women.

List of the Top 10 Women’s Health Risks

1. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)-

Studies have shown that women are more likely to suffer from respiratory illnesses like COPD than men. The ill effects of smoking and the impact on the lungs are something that gives rise to illnesses in women like emphysema and also bronchitis. Women also experience breathing problems and report being out of breath more than men do.

2. Diabetes and Sugar-related Issues-

Did you know that nearly 15 million women in the United States alone suffer from Diabetes? Studies have shown that more diabetes is a major cause of death in American women. Many research studies have also shown how African-American women are more prone to suffering from diabetes than white women. Many women also do not do tests related to diabetes.

3. Heart Diseases-

Many people mistakenly feel that cancer is the leading cause of death in women. However, the truth is that heart diseases and illnesses are the number one cause of death. As compared to men, women are more prone to suffering from heart attacks and cardiac arrests. There is an increasing awareness in this area, but it needs to improve further.

4. Cancer Illnesses-

Most people are aware that Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer are two forms of cancer that only take place in women. Additionally, women can suffer from any of the other cancers as well. Cancers are just behind heart diseases when it comes to claiming lives. Lung cancer claims more women than any other form of cancer in the United States alone.

5. Septicemia-

Septicemia or Blood Poisoning is a serious health threat for women. In terms of figures, it accounts for more than 2% of all women-related deaths in the country. This is a condition in which the blood becomes infected with toxins. As the blood moves to different organs and parts of the body, it infects them as well. Septicemia results in fevers and chills as symptoms.

6. Kidney Disease-

Kidney disease is one illness that slowly slips under the radar. It is not obvious in terms of its symptoms and is detected only when the situation goes from bad to worse. Many studies have pointed out that kidney-related ailments are associated with diabetes, past kidney conditions in the family, and poor lifestyle habits. High BP is also one of the contributing factors.

7. Alzheimer’s Disease-

People think that a disease like Alzheimer’s affects men more than women. However, data shows that nearly 4% of all American women suffer from Alzheimer’s and lose their lives to it. In its beginning stages, Alzheimer’s is just about forgetting simple things. However, if left untreated, it can slowly start ruining mental activity and lead to permanent impairment.

8. Brain Strokes-

In its most serious form, a brain stroke can result in death. In a mild form, it can lead to anything from muscle impairments to permanent disability. Women must try to understand what happens to their bodies when a stroke takes place. Strokes need to be taken seriously and medically addressed. If they are not, they can become life-threatening in extreme conditions.

9. Unnatural Injuries-

Whether it is slip and fall accidents, car collisions, or cases of poisoning, women have been shown to rank in terms of their affected status. Not only do these things lead to injuries, but they also result in death. This is why women need to take care and be more mindful about ensuring that they do not get into unnatural injuries.

10. Pneumonia-

You might not take this one seriously, but the fact of the matter is that pneumonia accounts for more than 3% of all deaths in American women. Pneumonia is a condition of the lungs that leads to the formation of infection because of bacteria. Doctors suggest that the best way to protect yourself from pneumonia and influenza is to get vaccine shots regularly.

The Bottom Line

The above-mentioned ten women’s health risks need to be understood with some level of seriousness. A lot of them can be easily prevented by being mindful and taking necessary precautions. Just as men, women should also look to avoid smoking and drinking as these two things increase the health risks. If you have any other questions, you would like to ask, let us know in the comments section below.

8 Reasons Why Monochromatic Outfits Are Perfect for Cooler Weather

Monochrome outfits have been popular for a few years now and, quite frankly, we’re happy to see this timeless trend stick around. Monochrome outfits offer many benefits, from speeding up the dressing process to elevating your loungewear and everything in between. Still not convinced you should start wearing monochrome outfits? Here are eight reasons to begin wearing monochrome outfits this fall and winter.

1. It makes you look put together instantly.

Even if you threw on an outfit 60 seconds before walking out the door, a monochrome ensemble will make you look instantly put together. That’s why so many people choose a daily “uniform” of a black shirt, black pants and black shoes. It requires little thought to get dressed and yet makes your wardrobe look like a deliberate (and fashionable) choice. If you feel like your outfits never quite come together in the way that you want them to, try experimenting with monochrome outfits to instantly create a cohesive look.

2. It elevates even the most casual outfit.

During fall and winter, we absolutely love wearing knitwear and other cozy essentials, but there’s no denying that these garments can look a little laid-back. Choosing a matching monochrome knitwear set will immediately elevate your loungewear look to the point that it won’t look out of place when you run out to do errands. That way, you can go straight from marathoning Netflix on the couch to meeting your friends for lunch, all without an outfit change! If you’re a big fan of winter loungewear, then you absolutely need to invest in some high-quality monochrome sets that you can wear outside of the house this season.

3. It speeds up the dressing process.

We’ve all been there — standing in front of the mirror for five minutes, trying to figure out if a skirt’s particular shade of blue matches a shirt’s particular shade of orange. Matching colors can be a difficult process, especially if you’re trying to harmonize multiple shades into one cohesive outfit. Monochrome outfits eliminate this confusion, significantly speeding up the dressing process and giving you more time to spend on other activities. With monochrome outfits, you don’t need to sweat matching the shades exactly either. In fact, wearing different shades of the same color will give the outfit dimension while sticking to the monochrome theme.

4. It creates a unified silhouette.

Winter clothes are comfy and cozy, but there’s no denying that some of the silhouettes can be a little clunky. Wearing a big sweater with thick pants may keep you warm, but that can also create a silhouette that is visually overwhelming. Monochrome outfits create a visually unified silhouette that is slimming and cohesive, even if the clothes themselves have a looser cut or are made of thicker fabrics. If you tend to wear very voluminous clothing such as puffer vests in the winter, monochrome outfits are about to become your new best friend.

4. It creates a unified silhouette.

5. It makes it easy to play around with texture.

One of our favorite things about winter clothing is the many different fabric textures: wool, knitwear, felt, corduroy, fleece, tweed — the list goes on. However, all these different textures can get overwhelming if you’re also playing around with different colors and patterns at the same time. Sticking with a monochrome outfit gives you the opportunity to try out multiple fabric textures simultaneously without looking like you’re trying to wear four separate outfits at once. If you’ve been struggling with how to wear different fabric textures, try it out with a monochrome outfit to see if that helps.

6. It brings color to gray winter days.

Most people who are new to monochrome outfits find it easiest to start with neutral colors such as black, white, brown and navy. Not only are these colors universally flattering, you are also likely to have tops, bottoms, shoes and accessories in these colors already. This makes it easy to put together a monochrome outfit from your existing wardrobe or to find complementary pieces from popular brands. However, once you get more comfortable with a monochrome outfit, it can be really fun to branch out into bright colors like red, purple, green and blue. These bright hues will cheer you up on dark winter days and liven up your life even when the weather isn’t cooperating.

6. It brings color to gray winter days.

7. It makes contrasting accessories pop.

Sometimes, you really want the accessories to be the focal point of your outfit, and dressing in monochrome is the best way to make your accessories pop. Indeed, wearing multiple colors as well as a ton of accessories means that there won’t be a single focal point for the eye to land on, which detracts from the power of your accessories. Dressing in a single color puts the focus back on your accessories and allows them to really shine with the distraction of your clothes. Try a monochrome outfit in one color and a purse, belt and shoes in another for a killer ensemble this fall or winter.

8. It’s a timeless fashion look.

Certain patterns and colors cycle in and out of popularity, which can make an outfit that was trendy last year look completely dated this season. However, monochrome is always in style, which means that your outfits will look timeless year after year. Keeping your clothes monochrome will also allow you to experiment with other seasonal trends without looking like you’re overdoing it on this year’s fashion fads.

Are you already a dedicated fan of monochrome outfits, or are you just getting started with them? What are your favorite ways to style monochrome outfits for fall and winter? Try one of these helpful tips the next time you plan an outfit so you can look confident and chic.